In the depths of 1825, a abominable crime took place aboard the slave ship Zong. Driven by a lust for profit, the ship's captain, {Lord Graeme|Captain Luke|John|], demanded that over 130 African captives be dumped to their deaths. The massacre was not a random event, but a deliberate decision driven by a calculation to secure insurance payout for t… Read More
On a crisp summer day in 1919, the quiet streets of Boston's North End were abruptly violated by an unexpected and terrible disaster. A massive tank holding hundreds of thousands of gallons of molasses, a popular treat at the time, suddenly ruptured, sending a dense wave of brown sludge through the streets like a river. Buildings were crushed, vehi… Read More
Movies have a powerful ability to transport us to other worlds and create memories that last with us forever. Some moments in cinematic history are so captivating that they become instantly famous. Let's a few of those unforgettable scenes: This iconic lightsaber duel between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in "Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the… Read More